The Klingon Empire: A Brief History
Lt. Denise Duggan
Volume I - Terran Edition
Special thanks go to all the people that have
helped me, among them Lt. Jon Reddick (who
quite valiantly and honorably put up with all my
telephone calls for a quick piece of information),
Lt. Laurie Copetti, Lt. George Sumpter, Recruit
Brien Allen, and Recruit Shawn Linton who were
all absolutely irreplaceable in that first
brainstorming session.
And extra special and heartfelt thanks go to my
wonderful husband, Jim, for his patience and
understanding of my obsession and for the love
and support he gives me in whatever I do. I have
been truly blessed to find my t'hy'la.
This book was written with Terran students
in mind. Terms such as "man" are not meant to
offendd, but simply to use the simplest term possible.
Also, all dates have been converted to Terran dating
to provide the student with a point of reference as
to the time frame of these occurrences.
The Information was collected by
Bryan Fritchie (bryan@fritchie.com)
QIb Tai yabHuj (yabHuj@khemorex-klinzhai.de)
Kling, also called Klinzai by some of its inhabitants, is an M
class planet which orbits the star Klingon and is found at galactic
coordinates (-321.5, 48.6, -87.9). It is the second planet of the
system and is nearly one and a half times the size of Terra. Kling is
the only world in its five planet system which was inherently capable
of sustaining life. On all other occupied planets, Klingons had to
use large amounts of relatively sophisticated technology to live
there. The surface of Klinzai is almost entirely land mass, but there
are many small bodies of water scattered around it. The largest 13 of
these, the only ones that show up on a planetary map, are very salty.
Klinzai is unique among class M worlds in that it has very little
vegetation. This is not a geology course, so it will not get into the
specifics here, but apparently, damage caused by a passing asteroid
changed the level of silicates in the soil of the planet, thus making
it less amenable to vegetation. This caused nearly every native
species to be carnivorous and hostile in nature. Because of the small
amount of axial tilt to the planet and because of the high carbon
dioxide layer and the greenhouse effect that it creates, there is very
little in the way of changes of season on Klinzai. (Worlds of The
Federation, p. 114).
Geological information from Klinzai suggests that the world was
once rather lush and wet, but suffered catastrophe due to the passing
of a large asteroid which altered the orbit of the planet. This
asteroid is also thought to have caused enormous pressure in the
planet itself which led to disastrous earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions. Fossilized remains in the underground water pockets and in
the lava rock show that a form of Klingon existed before the time of
the asteroid. These Klingons bear the same basic genetic markings as
present-day Klingons, except without the Imperial mutations, which, as
is well-known, bear no chemical resemblance to most of the rest of the
life on the planet. It is for these reasons that it is thought that
the Klingon people were seeded on Klinzai, possibly by The Preservers,
when the planet was lush. It is unknown how some of the early
Klingons survived the destruction wrought by the asteroid, but they
did and they developed into the rich society that is on the planet
Archaeological records indicate that the first Klingon societies
developed around the small lakes that were left after the passing of
the asteroid. According to the fragments of pottery found, and the
patterns of injuries of the fossilized skeletons found, it seems that
early Klingon society was filled with war and hunt games. Many
theories have suggested that since the Klingon race was dominant after
the development of weapons, these games may have, however
unconsciously, developed as a form of population check. This theory is
supported by the probability that, since the Klingons controlled the
major water supplies, they killed the animals that came to drink.
Klingons had a steady water supply and because of that a steady food
supply. Therefore, their population would naturally soon outgrow the
water supply. Given the aggressive Klingon psyche, the development of
war games is a feasible theory for population control. Other
archeological evidence suggests that at this time Klingons were still
in a hunter-gatherer stage with very little specialization or division
of labor. Everyone was expected to gather and carry what they gathered
while they hunted and to hunt while they gathered. Women were
partially exempt after they began to bear children. Even after
bearing children they hunted some and gathered much although their
effective range was limited to immediately around the settlement.
They were only able to kill the small animals that came near, not the
larger game that occasionally carried off three or four adults in a
hunt. As soon as the child could start picking berries, he also
gathered. As the child got older the mother would leave him for
longer and longer periods of time to gather, kill, and fend for
himself. Some children were lost this way, but for most young
Klingons it was a sort of tempering by fire. It was at this stage
that the collective Klingon psyche developed its respect for
independence and self-reliance.
Although the war/hunt games of early Klingon society slowed the
population growth of Klingon culture, it did not stop it completely.
The Klingons began to realize this and began to send out groups to
look for more sources of water. Often they would find a small lake
within a few days travel of their main lake. The Klingon who could
most reliably find the lakes became head, or overlord, of the group.
Later, the leader became simply the strongest because he commanded the
respect of other Klingons and could get them to do his water-finding
for him.
As the concept of leadership had developed so had the concept of
economically supporting the leader. Klingons of this period had not
yet developed money, but the paintings remaining on the pieces of
brick that have been found suggest that tribute was paid in the form
of young sons that were taken to live in a communal or military-type
setting and trained to go for days without water so that they could
search for new lakes.
Early Klingon religious thought was rich with various gods,
goddesses, demons, demigods, sprites, and all the other creatures that
primitive humanoids usually create. However, only two of them bear
mentioning here. Durgath was the chief of all gods, sort of a
heavenly overlord. Durgath was known as "the giver and taker of life,
also the Klingon god of war" (Pawns and Symbols, p. 73). In the same
manner as the ancient Egyptian and Japanese culture on Earth, the
leader of a tribe became to be respected as Durgath's representative
on earth. One popular Klingon saying is that "we are all prey for
Durgath's palate." This is quite representative of the fatalistic
attitude that Klingons take towards life. Klingon religion holds that
they are simply pawns in a galactic game and that Durgath played them
against each other and occasionally rewarded those who were most
cunning or brave. Given this nature of the universe, it was considered
the duty of all pawns to do as good for themselves as they could so as
to attract the notice of Durgath and possibly his favor. Later in
this period, Klingons developed another name for Durgath, however,
this one is used very infrequently and usually only when a Klingon is
dissatisfied with the outcome of a certain action. The name they
developed, K'nash'akar, is quite telling in that it is directly
translated to mean The One Who Does Not Care. It was also late in
this period that Klingons developed their game Klin zha, modelled
after the universe and their place in it as they saw it. Klin zha was
another attempt at emulating Durgath and understanding and using what
was his so that he would take notice of his plucky players. Cymele
was the female equivalent of Durgath and was as ruthless in her sphere
of influence as he in his. Cymele changed some over the years, as far
as can be told from the archaeological records, from a simple goddess
of the fields and forests and protectress of women, to the absolute
Goddess of the hearth, including the females that made the home, the
love that bound the males to them, and the children that the home
existed to create. (Pawns, p. 79).
The City-State Period of Klingon history began as the areas held
by the populations of various clans got larger and they began to bump
into one another. This growth in area would not have been possible
had Klingons not developed irrigation first. As irrigation developed,
the overlords wanted to be able to see their holdings at a glance.
Mapmaking developed followed soon by the lettering necessary to mark
the names of the places on the maps. Actual written language
developed through the overlords' need to track troop movements and
transport orders.
As the various city-states of Klinzai began skirmishing on the
borders, the nature and qualifications of the overlords changed.
Strength had always been respected as well as cunning, to some extent,
as evidenced in the religious philosophy developed regarding Durgath.
Now, however, people began to see that there were, in fact, other
large sources of water capable of supporting entire populations and
that it would be far more productive to try to take over another
group's water supply than to search for new ones. The warrior, with
all of the present-day connotations of being intelligent in battle,
had earned a permanently respected place in society. As a consequence
of this development, cunning, military strategy, and intelligence were
respected as much as strength. No longer did Klingons kill a leader
when he had become too weak to physically force his orders. Now, they
began to revere old age because older Klingons had more experience and
were more likely to win wars.
It was also at this time that Klingons developed the concept of
nobility known as theld. Those children whose fathers were great
military strategists learned this strategy at a young age. Thus,
through this accident of birth, they were more cunning at an earlier
age and were considered better than other children. Gradually the
concepts of nobility and kuve developed.
Because of the complex nature of Klingon lines of family and
inheritance, the ceremony of Jha Jook developed in which those who
felt they had a claim to the throne would present their claim to the
people. Those who were judged to have valid claims would then present
their qualifications to lead. If there was no man more clearly
qualified they would fight and the survivor would be overlord.
According to the ancient records, which were admittedly biased
because they were written at the order of the overlord, this is how
Kapek the Glorious became overlord of the Kamorh'dag area at the age
of 12 standard years. Kapek's cunning and intelligence were obviously
high as he was able to defeat his full-grown cousin at this early age.
However, records show that Kapek soon peaked. At the age of 20 he
ruled a vast area that became known as the Kamorh'dag Empire,
demanding tribute from almost half the planet. However, he was most
concerned with keeping his home area contented and he thus trod upon
the needs and expectations of his tribute city-states, which,
expectedly, did not sit well with them. He was able to keep them in
line for a time, but by the time he was 30 all the countries had
revolted and Kapek's own Kamorh'dag home region was being nibbled at
around the edges by former tributary city-states.
The personal diary of his chamber servant says that one morning
Kapek awoke and claimed the sun was brighter than usual. He went out
to the balcony to find out why, looked full in the sun, and apparently
went completely mad. According to the diary, Kapek started screaming
at the sun saying "stop laughing, damn you, stop laughing." He then
snarled and jumped to attack the sun. He died in the fall from the
After the city-state age, Klingon scientific knowledge began to
grow at a rapid pace. Part of this rapidity in growth stems from the
philosophic-theological beliefs of Klingon culture. Their philosophy
of the honor to be gained in taking knowledge from Durgath, coupled
with the expansionist and aggressive Klingon attitude led to the
exploration of the practical sciences with no religious notions to
Of the strongest early clans, the clan of Katook had the greatest
and fastest development of science. K'tar Katook and his successor
K'shen both supported the notion that children who were not strong
physically, and who would normally have been killed, might be mentally
strong and useful in the wresting of scientific knowledge from
K'nash'akar. All theld children were given until the age of seven to
show acuity at some field. If they did not, they were considered kuve
despite their lineage. They were sent to the Year Games as line
soldiers for the other theld-youth to command in their battles. If
they survived the Year Games, they would be assigned some menial task
to perform for the state. This was before the discovery of other life
forms and thus, before the concept that Klingon and kuve were
incompatible. By the time other life forms were discovered,
educational practices had advanced so that every Klingon was able to
learn some useful aspect, even if it was only loading torpedo bays on
a warship.
K'shen set up the first state run schools. Those theld-youth who
exhibited an aptitude for strategy and leadership were sent to the
school of K'tali'ket, a military academy, while those with talent in
the sciences (including theory, mechanics, etc.) were sent to
Many wars developed between the various clans over the sciences.
The largest of these wars was the nIvveS in which K'shen and other
descendants of Kapek's Kamorh'dag nation defended their scientific
knowledge against K'akant and other nations, which collectively called
themselves the Gevish'rae. This was the beginning of the
Kamorh'dag/Gevish'rae rivalry of which traces can still be seen today
(Faces of Fire).
This war, which was filled with hate and familial conflict unlike
that seen on many other planets, produced two things useful to the
Klingon future. It provided unity between the various clans according
to their Kamorh'dag/Gevish'rae loyalties and it produced the thoughts
of Kang the Seer. Both of these developments were essential in the
future unification of Klinzai.
Kang K'tark was a direct patrilineal descendent of Kapek the
Glorious. This, of course, meant that he would almost never have any
claim on the throne. However, he was one of the most cunning
Kamorh'dag to exist at his time and this was recognized when K'shen
gave him command of the first squadron of air fighters at the age of
15. Not only was Kang the leader with the most kills in his platoon,
but he also had the highest rate of live captures of all commanders.
It was said that Kang could make you believe he was your friend while
holding a knife at your throat, so smooth were his lies. However, it
was this practiced deceit that Kang eventually tired of. His personal
logs of this time, before he started expounding his views publicly,
show that he was gradually becoming more and more disenchanted of
always having to watch his back and wondering who would be taking now
be taking the same unfair advantages he practiced. Furthermore, he
never agreed with the fact that even a supposedly trusted captain was
subject to Imperial security on his own ship. Kang's personal logs
also show that his views and beliefs gelled about a year before the
end of the war, but he knew that he could not forward them during the
war or he would be labelled a traitor.
When the war ended in 1393 Kang took a six-month leave and spent
his time in nIvDeb, the most forbidding desert on Klinzai. After four
months his family considered him dead and dispersed his property
according to Kamorh'dag law. Two months later, when he returned, he
could have challenged everyone to whom his property had been given,
but he declined and instead, began quietly expounding his new views to
those who would listen. He taught that acquisition was good and
honorable because only the strongest, bravest and smartest should have
the things that were wrested from Durgath. However, unbridled
acquisition at any cost created unbridled chaos and dishonor. Our
world and our life, said Kang, is simply a struggle against Durgath.
As K'nash'kar He does not care to provide us with the things that
would make our lives easier. However, in his role as Durgath he will
take note of a Klingon who is brave, honorable, and wise.
Kang was the first Klingon philosopher to codify the ancient
Klingon beliefs of an afterlife. Kang said that one who lived and
died honorably would be assigned a position in Durgath's army, the
Black Force, in the next life. He took into account the fact that
Klingons believed that death would have no power in that life and said
that this would make the komerex zha, or Perpetual Game, one that
would require god-like skill and cunning, for an enemy killed would
simply be out of the game for a time and would return to fight again.
In this life, the purpose was to take what one could from K'nash'kar
while making Him notice you in his role as Durgath. K'nash'akar was
the ultimate force to be struggled against and He desired chaos and
entropy. Therefore, said Kang, if K'nash'kar wants entropy we should
fight Him for control of it. We should end this chaos among ourselves
and certainly that grand a victory could not help but attract
Durgath's attention. It was also Kang who first wrote extensively
about Fek'lar and the other demons that would await the death of a
dishonorable Klingon and would torture him for eternity. In Kang's
philosophy one would still acquire knowledge and all of the other
things that Klingons were striving for, but would do so with honor and
without chaos.
Just over a year and a half after Kang returned from the desert,
M'or'ked, through the strength he had built up at his uncle's court
and the substantial money he paid to the Imperial guards, took control
of the Kamorh'dag throne. Everyone in the nation was required to
submit tribute to the new ruler, but Kang the Seer refused. Even
though he had no real property, he could have sent a fresh kill or
promised a son for the guard, but he refused because M'or'ked's
dishonorable acquisition the throne was in direct opposition to his
beliefs. Kang's refusal may have gone unnoticed were it not for the
fact that he influenced 50 other thelds in the area to refuse tribute
also. For this, M'or'ked ordered the immediate arrest of Kang and of
all members of any theld who refused to pay the tribute. This
convinced most of the thelds to pay the tribute, but Kang still
refused and fled back into nIvDeb with the 10 thelds who were loyal to
him. They lived there for the next five years, but eventually
M'or'ked's personal army discovered them. Most historians believe
that Kang could have kept himself abreast of M'or'ked's plans had he
so desired since Kang had been one of the most intelligent and cunning
agents in the nIvveS. M'or'ked, on the other hand, was a petty
Klingon who just happened to be rich enough to buy his supporters.
Kang's views, however, were intensely against this type of activity,
so M'or'ked was able to worm a supporter into Kang's group. In 1400
during a no'jaj celebration, upon the information of this supporter,
M'or'ked's troops ruthlessly killed Kang and all his followers,
including the youngest children, and burned the entire encampment to
rid himself of all of Kang's teachings.
Unbeknown to M'or'ked, however, Kang had sent a copy of his
writings to his sister who had married a Gevish'rae. M'or'ked, being
the petty ruler that he was, did not think to try to rid himself of
extra copies, and would probably not have considered Gevish'rae
territory anyway. For this reason, the writings of Kang the Seer
survived and were studied by many people covertly for many years. In
a development much like Christianity on Earth, the tenets of Kangism
eventually came into the open, after the death 25 standard years later
of M'or'ked. After about 500 years, during which time the people had
family skirmishes and minor wars the same as they had been having for
many centuries before, enough people professed to be supporters of
Kangism that the minor wars were stopped. Many people only gave lip
service to Kangism, however the end result was that the dishonorable
wars stopped and the process of the unification of Klinzai began.
The Karsid Empire invaded Klinzai in 1425. Reaction to the
invasion was strong, but the Karsids were quite superior
technologically. Klingon groups used terrorist tactics, but were
unable to topple the Karsid regime for many centuries. It was finally
the first incarnation of the Klin Underground that was able to
assassinate many of the Karsid leaders and organize the people into an
effective defense against retaliation. After the threat of
counter-revolution was over, Klingon leaders assuaged the crippled
pride of the people by destroying all records and traces of the Karsid
occupation. Today, the only records that exist of this time period
are those from the Karsid Empire itself. Those records were
discovered by the Federation when occupying Starbase 12. Two
historians, Trae of Vulcan and Khlaru of Klinzai have been working for
five years on cataloging the records and expect to publish their
findings within the next five years. (Ishmael)
The Karsid invasion helped unify Klinzai. Having a common enemy
caused the Kamorh'dag and Gevish'rae groups to put aside (though not
forget) their differences. Scientific knowledge began to be shared
between the Kamorh'dag and the Gevish'rae and in 1960 they developed
primitive space travel. At first, of course, they were only orbiting
Klinzai, but 20 years after the first orbit, in 1980, a space-station
was completed on the moon Praxis (Timeline). The Praxis station was a
joint effort of the Kamorh'dag and the Gevish'rae, although to this
day, they each take primary credit for the idea and most of the work
that went into the space-station. It's primary purpose was to mine
Praxis for the minerals there and to transport them back to Klinzai
for the use of the people. This greatly reduced the cost of power and
contributed to the leisure time of the Klingons. No more was it a
struggle to live from day to day. The only concern now for most
people was water which was still was horded and rationed by the
government. Thirty years after the building of the first
space-station in 2010 troops from Klinzai landed on Peneli, the next
planet out from their sun. Peneli was discovered to be a lush planet
with water to spare. Now Klinzai was supplied with a steady and
seemingly inexhaustible supply of water. At first, water was mined
and shipped from Peneli, without replacement, despite the revolts
frequently staged by the Penelians. However within 50 years, they had
developed the technology to recycle water and it became truly
inexhaustible. After some brilliant negotiation by K'tak, the Klinzai
Emperor's negotiator, Peneli became convinced that Klinzai actually
did want an almost equal partnership with that world and they joined
the fledgling Klingon empire.
Now that the people did not have to concern themselves with the
day-to-day details of survival, they concentrated on space travel. By
consent of the peoples of the Kamorh'dag and Gevish'rae regions, the
first cooperative military academy, DuSaQ QI', was developed in 2025.
It's purpose was to train young men to operate the new spacefaring
vehicles that were being developed. Klingon philosophy had long
recognized the probability of life on other planets and these young
men were being trained to go out and conquer those worlds in the name
of Klinzai. This cooperative school was one of the first steps in the
unification of Klinzai. After 25 years, the boys that had been the
first students of DuSaQ QI' were of an age to be the strongest force
in politics. They began to realize, from living with their former
Klingon enemies for years on end, that their fathers were wrong and
that the Gevish'rae were not the mortal enemies of the Kamorh'dag. In
2070, only 20 years after the first DuSaQ QI' graduates took political
power, Klinzai was unified and an emperor selected through the ancient
rite of Jha Jook to lead this new Klingon Empire.
During this 50 years of unification, Klingon spaceflight
technology was improving steadily. In 2075 Klingons encountered the
nearest inhabited world outside their own solar system and promptly
conquered it in the name of Klinzai. This began the process of
building the Klingon empire and by the time Katokat was selected
emperor of the Klingon Empire in 2100, there were 10 worlds in the
Empire. Within 10 years of the selection of Katokat, Klingons had
developed warp technology that allowed them to travel at warp 2.
The development of primitive warp technology led to an explosive
expansion of the Klingon Empire. They found many planets in the next
few years, some with indigenous populations, some without, and
conquered all of them in the name of the Klingon Empire. It was
during this time that the concept of kuve and the fact of the Klingon
race became incompatible. Other races were now considered kuve and
Klingons were the rightful masters of all.
One of the most revered figures of this time is Kahless. Kahless
was a captain of a Klingon expansion vessel and was a brilliant
warrior and a student of Kang the Seer. Unlike many Klingons who only
gave Kang lip service, Kahless was a true student, a fact reflected in
his many conquests. In their journeying in the stars, Klingons found
several races that had also developed star travel technology. In
their conquest of these worlds, Klingons faced many battles among the
stars. Kahless was recognized at his time and is still studied as one
of the most brilliant strategists of his time. He never took an
unfair advantage of an opponent, yet was undefeated until 2125.
Kahless was also a philosopher of sorts, and his personal logs are
studied today as a marvelous commentary on the thoughts of Kang the
Seer. One of Kahless' most well-known sayings regards the lip-service
so often given to Kang. He realized that many people still used
treachery as a weapon and had no scruples about honor, as long as they
won. Kahless warned himself in his log, "Watch your back. Friends
may become enemies in less time than it takes to draw a dagger."
(Faces of Fire, p. 307). Kahless should have paid more attention to
his own advice.
In 2125, K'ashked, the Klingon Emperor, grew concerned at the
popularity Kahless was achieving. He knew that Kahless was descended
from the same Kamorh'dag stock that produced Kapek and Kang the Seer
and thus, Kahless had a rather weak claim on the throne that could be
raised through Jha Jook. He sought to rid himself of this threat and
was able to recruit the services of several young Klingon captains who
were currying Imperial favor. He sent three of these young captains
to the edges of the Empire to murder Kahless. That far from the
homeworld, he thought, no one would ever know what happened. If the
three were lost, he could name them rebels and name Kahless a hero
again and worry later about getting rid of him. However, if Kahless
lost, which was likely given the power which he sent against the
captain, he could claim that Kahless was the traitor and that he
intended to wrest the throne from K'ashked and possibly foment a Civil
What the Emperor did not know was that Kahless regularly sent
letters containing log entries he had made to his consort back on
Klinzai. Kahless' last log entry was never received, but his first
officer knew about the consort and sent her an account of Kahless'
last battle. Kahless was always known as an honorable man, but his
honor and bravery were accentuated by the way that he saved his crew
during this final battle. None of them wanted to leave the ship, but
they could not disobey a direct order from the captain. Kahless bound
his arm to his command chair and ordered his first officer to conduct
the crew to safety. Thus no one could say that he had left his
command chair or that another had been in the chair at the ship's
death. (The Final Reflection, p. 161).
All of the crew escaped, and K'ashked committed another grievous
error by not ordering the captains to kill them. The Emperor was
concerned at the blood feuds that would develop had he had the entire
crew killed. Since Kahless' parents had both died without any more
offspring and since he did not discover the consort, he though himself
safe from feuds from that direction. Although nothing was ever
proven, K'ashked was removed as emperor, through the process of
qIchQagh, a modified holdover from ancient times when emperors were
killed and he died a resentful old man without power. The phrase
KahlessDaj ghop, or Kahlesste kaase in the speech of the chDogan
region that Kahless came from, is still used today to honor a Klingon
who takes the destiny of himself and others in hand and manipulates it
to his own uses in a memorable and honorable way (The Final
Reflection, p. 161).
By 2215, Klingons had developed technology capable of maintaining
warp 4. It was in this year that the Imperial Klingon Vessel Devisor
met up with the Federation ship Sentry. This was before the
Federation had instituted the Prime Directive and the Federation
agents who were received by the Klingon Emperor tried to change the
fabric of the Klingon society. The Klingon emperor of the time was a
strong believer in the philosophies of Kang and Kahless and was a man
who had lost 10 sons to treachery and backstabbing courtiers. He
agreed with the Federation and tried to help them change Klingon
society. The Klin Underground rose again from a group of Klingons who
did not agree with the Emperor's plans and blamed the Federation for
the turn of events. In 2220, General Kagga, leader of the Klin
Underground, led an abortive coup attempt against the Emperor. The
Emperor failed to recognize the true motives of the Underground and
believed that they only felt he was moving too quickly. In an attempt
to placate them he granted a partial victory to General Kagga. The
Emperor decreed that, although he was forced to kill Kagga for his
presumption, he would permit Kagga to sit on the throne and rule for
"the 20th part of one day." He considered this "a grand end move of
the komerex zha" and completely honorable (The Final Reflection,
p. 190). However, Kagga pulled a final coup and topped the Emperor's
end move by having the Imperial crown "branded, on the flesh around
his skull." (The Final Reflection, p. 190).
This endmove and counter made Kagga a martyr for his cause. The
Klin Underground gained more popularity than it had ever enjoyed. The
Klingon people saw their Emperor as weak and considered it a
by-product of his dealings with the Federation. In 2225, Keth Kazar,
leader of the Klin Underground, assassinated the Emperor. Keth,
coming as he did from a lineless family that had only with the advent
of the galactic empire ceased to be considered kuve, was not eligible
for the Jha Jook, and assassination was his only option. He was only
20 when he took the leadership into his own hands and he lived another
65 years, a remarkable longevity for a Klingon, whose normal lifespans
are on the order of only 50 Standard years. Citing his advanced age
and his desire to influence the lives of his grandchildren, he stepped
down in 2280 at the age of 75 and for the next 10 years was advisor to
his nephew Kang.
Keth the Ruthless, as he became known, took imperishable gold as
his crown and at his coronation, had the Federation ambassadors killed
for entertainment. This began an intense human-style war with the
Federation in which the Empire learned that for all their soft looking
exterior, humans have sharp teeth. This war lasted until 2240 and
finally ended in a treaty which established the neutral zone. In
2265, war broke out again between the Federation and the Klingon
Empire. However, this war was abruptly ended by the power of the
In 2268, Keth was approached by the Federation regarding the
establishment of the planet Nimbus III. The Federation wanted to
establish a planet mutually ruled by both their governments as an
experiment in working together instead of always warring. Keth was
able to talk the Federation into including the Romulan Empire in their
grand scheme. Keth's personal logs show that his actual intentions
were quite different from the smiling face he presented to the
Federation. Keth assumed that since the Klingon Empire already had a
alliance with the Romulan Empire, the two of them could easily
subjugate the settlers on Nimbus III. Then it would only be a matter
of subjugating the Romulan commander. Finally, those subjects of each
Empire caught on the planet could be sold back to their respective
governments at the price of military secrets. Unfortunately, Keth's
plan didn't work because the Klingon and Romulan agents were unable to
work together. By the time Keth's nephew Kang came to power in 2280,
assignment to Nimbus III, or "The Planet of Galactic Peace" as it came
to be called by the Federation, was considered an intense punishment
for a commander. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier).
In 2270, Keth's nephew Kang began consolidating his power and
learning his future role as Emperor. Kang grew into another Klingon
visionary, but in 2267 when he first encountered the Federation
captain James T. Kirk, he was still caught in the Klingon web of
distrust of the Federation that his uncle had helped weave. However,
Kang's experiences on the USS Enterprise began the process by which he
learned that the Federation was not his mortal enemy. Kang's ship
encountered a distress call from a planet that he later learned was
only a trap set by a creature that fed on hate. When he first arrived
on the planet, he found Captain Kirk of the Enterprise and immediately
blamed him for the loss of a Klingon colony that never existed. Kirk
tricked Kang and had him put under guard on the Enterprise. When
Kang's ship was about to blow up, Kirk saved what members of the crew
that he could, even though they were all placed under guard on the
Enterprise. Eventually, Kang and his crew escaped and began
skirmishing in what could have turned into an interminable war with
the Federation crew. Kang and Kirk finally discovered what was
actually causing all the strange events and the trouble. After that,
Kirk repatriated Kang and his crew. Upon his return to the Empire,
Kang was relieved of his command for six months as punishment for
being caught. Those six months gave him time to think about his
uncle's view of the Federation and how it contrasted with what he saw
on the Entperise.
Upon her return upon the Enterprise, Kang's consort Mara, who
also was on the Enterprise, saw that the stories fed to the Klingon
people about the Federation were untrue. She realized all of Kang's
crew was well-treated aboard Kirk's ship. These events made her
realize that there was no purpose served by the cold war with the
Federation and she began to adamantly believe that immediate
negotiations would be beneficial to both governments. She formed an
underground movement on her homeworld, Pineli. She also bore Kang's
son, Aethelnor, without Kang's knowledge and kept him hidden from the
future-emperor for several years, eventually using him in a plan to
get Kang to talk to the Federation. (Pawns and Symbols).
In 2275 when the Klingons faced a blight and a severe famine,
Kang kidnapped the Federation agent Jean Czerny. With her help and
the hearty new Czerny strain of quadrotriticale, Kang solved the
crisis and began to see the truth in the words of Kang the Seer. It
was also at this time that he learned about his son. Aethelnor spent
part of his early years in the Federation and this unique upbringing,
straddled between the two superpowers, also contributed to the growing
understanding between the two peoples. (Pawns and Symbols).
Kang the Merciful, as he became known, was a student of Kang the
Seer and of Kahless. Kang ascended to the throne in 2280 and chose
gold and sliver for his crown. He chose these metals for many
reasons, chief among them the fact that he was beginning to feel that
different peoples could, in fact, work together and draw something
from the differences between them. Under his rule an understanding of
the Federation began to come about and many people began to see that
the two did not have to be enemies. Unfortunately, even though many
people agreed with Kang in his quest to end the cold war between the
Empire and the Federation, many more saw their chances for power and
glory in battle being lost. It was this group, a bastardized form of
the former Klin Underground, that claimed responsibility for
assassinating Kang in 2281. Once again, a violent Federation-hating
brand of Klingon ruled the Empire. However, this time they were a
mutation of the secret eugenics/radiation experiments conducted under
Keth. They gave themselves the name Imperial Klingons and began, in
2282, a purge of all Klingons not of the Imperial race (Timeline).
Incomplete Klingon records of this time suggest that the members
of the Imperial race of rulers may have been collaborating with the
Romulan Empire and fomenting a war. In any case, the Swift war began
in 2289 (Timeline). There were many reasons for the outbreak of this
war. Klingon excursions and violations against the neutral zone
brought had brought Federation retaliation. The Klingon Imperial race
would not have admitted to the people that they were, in fact, the
ones breaking the treaty and they claimed that the Federation was
breaking the treaty and trying to take over the Empire. The Imperial
Klingons promised full support of their Ambassador to the Federation's
vow in 2286 that "there shall be no peace as long as [Captain James
T.] Kirk [of the USS Enterprise] lives!" The rulers also twisted the
words of Kang the Seer and Kahless and used them to support their
argument in favor of war because they said the Federation was trying
to dictate Klingon policy. In truth, the Federation had expressed
deep concern, bordering on a violation of their Prime Directive,
regarding the purging of the nonImperial race.
Regardless of the various causes, the Swift War broke out in
2289. There were many reasons for it's rapidity. One, the seemingly
expected Romulan help didn't materialize. Quite possibly, given the
apparent Romulan psyche, they were letting the two superpowers fight
it out while they sat back and waited to pick up the pieces. Another
cause for the rapid end was stubborn Klingon pride. Since one of the
reasons for the war was the declaration that Kirk should die, every
Klingon considered it the greatest mark of honor if he could be the
one to kill Kirk. Despite their trained obedience, many Klingons
found themselves disregarding orders when they were in the vicinity of
Kirk, hoping for that glorious kill. Unfortunately, the glorious kill
was always their death, for Kirk was always quite disciplined when on
the bridge of his ship and his cunning was enough to almost qualify
him, a human, for the Jha Jook. Even the Emperor was swayed by this
pride. Records show that he sent the T'ong, a sleeper ship, out in
2290 (Timeline). The plan was for this ship be scanned as floating
space debris and to be ignored. Then the crew would awaken in a year
and to attack Kirk from within his own boundaries. Unfortunately, the
controls malfunctioned and the ship was not discovered until 2365,
ironically, by the USS Enterprise, under the command of Jean-Luc
Picard. Of course, the Klingons would not have believe it if a human
told them they were not still at war, so Captain Picard had his
Klingon security officer play the role of captain and order the crew
of the T'ong home ("The Emissary").
But the reason given the most credence for the rapidity of the
Swift War was the changing attitudes of the Klingon people. Many
people who had formerly supported the Imperial race grew disenchanted
when the realized the extent of the purging. They feared for their
own lives, since the Imperial race was still a minority. They were
quite a gifted and talented minority, but a minority nonetheless.
Most of the population of Klinzai was of nonImperial stock. These
people found in the writings of Kang the Seer, Kahless, and Kang the
Merciful the guidance that it took to turn their world around. They
began strikes and riots in all the major cities on Klinzai in 2290.
By 2291, the Imperial race realized that it couldn't fight a war on
two fronts -- in space and at home. They ended the Swift War with the
Federation and turned their attention to the problems at home. By
this time, however, it was too late. The leaders of the Imperial race
were quickly executed. The rank and file, however, were absorbed into
the general population upon swearing a vow to follow the teachings of
There was one factor in which the Imperial race was quite
superior, though -- genetically. Within five generations the superior
genetics of the Imperial race had filtered its way into the majority
of the general population. The purges were never considered again
because it had become simply too impossible to tell who was Imperial
and who was not. During this time, the people turned more and more to
the writings of Kang. Many still gave only lip service, but it was
gaining more real appeal with the general population.
Annotated Bibliography
- Finkas, Allan and Stone III, William.A Star Trek (TM)
Chronology, ver. 5.18, 1992.
- This is an in depth chronology
of the events of the galaxy pertinent to any Academy student.
It includes events from c9,000,000,000 BC and through to the
present and the future as we know it. It was absolutely
- Ford, John M.The Final Reflection, Pocket Books, 1984.
According to the author, this is a work of fiction. Some
names have been changed and some historical figures possibly
moved around in time to make a better story. It can be
accepted as a fairly reliable source, but one must give more
credence to accounts which conflict with it.
- Friedman, Michael Jan. Faces of Fire, Pocket Books, 1992.
Although mostly fictitious, this book provides a thorough
grounding the the Kamorh'dag/Gevish'rae loyalties and
- Hambly, Barbara. Ishmael, Pocket Books, 1985.
- Although
this work is mostly about the personal history of Spock of
Vulcan, it provides a good glimpse of the two historians who
are working on the histories of the Karsid Empire, including
those that relate to the Klingon Empire. However, the author
has succumbed to the diplomacy of explaining away the Karsid
Invasion as a greater technology invading a lesser one.
- Johnson, Shane. Worlds of The Federation, Pocket Books,
- This is a very informative collection of databank
extracts from the Memory Alpha Historical Archive and from the
library computer of the USS Enterprise.
- Larson, Majliss.Pawns and Symbols, Pocket Books, 1984.
This fictionalized account is a good source of information
regarding Kang, Mara, and Athelnor, particularly during the
period of the Klingon Blight and Famine.
- Star Trek V:The Final Frontier, Copyright 1989, Paramount
- Star Trek: The Next Generation."The Emissary", Airdate
June 24, 1989.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation. "Redemption, Part I",
Airdate June 15, 1991.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation."Redemption, Part II",
Airdate Sept. 21, 1991.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation. "Reunion", Airdate
Nov. 3, 1990.
Traditions and Culture
Since I have already gotten requests for more info, I am posting
some more stuff that I have. This file was put together by myself.
This is random info that I have put together, from books, shows,
and movies. If the novels are taken as 100% truth (and Paramount
doesn't), then everything here is 100% truth.
Story of the bat'telh
As taken from the mouth of QEYLIS himself. (Slightly altered, to put
it in the third person perspective)
QeylIs went into the mountains, all the way to the volcano at Kri'stak.
There he cut off a lock of his hair, and thrust it into the river of
molten rock that poured from the summit. The hair began to burn, then he
plunged it into the lake of Lursor, and twisted it into the sword.
And after he used it to kill Molor, he named it, bat'telh, "The Sword
of Honor"!!!
This tale of the sword was never recorded in the sacred texts. Rather
it was passed down verbally among High Clerics. The retelling of the tale
was to be a test oh Kahless's return, as only he and the High Clerics
would know the story.
The Story of the Promise
After he had united the Homeworld to form the Klingon Empire, QeylIS
one day said it was time for him to depart. When the people begged him
not to leave, QeylIS said he was going ahead to Sto-Vo-Kor, and promised
to return one day. He pointed to a star in the heavens and told the
people to look for him there "on that point of light."
Klingon clerics later established a monastary on planeth Boreth,
orbiting that star, to await his return.
Kahless' Hand
When Kahless' ship was dying, he had his hand bound to his chair, that
no one could say he left it, or that another had been in the chair at the
ship's death. Then all his crew could escape without suspicion, because
Kahless had taken on all the ship's destiny.
Hence the term, "Kahless' Hand".
QeylIS's Return "Speech"
I have returned because there is a great need in my people. They fight
amongst themselves in petty wars that corrupt the glory of the Klingon
spirit. They have lost their way, but it is not too late. I have
:::after being challenged in battle, Kahless stops in the middle of the
fight, and speaks again:::
What is wrong? Is there only anger and bloodlust in your souls? Is
that all that is left in the Klingon heart? We do not fight merely to
spill blood, but to enrich the spirit! Look at us, 2 warriors, locked in
battle, fighting for honor! How can you not sing, for all to hear? WE
- Age of Ascension
- A Klingon rite of passage, marking a new level
of spiritual attainment for a Klingon warrior.
The ritual involves a recitation by the ascendee, proclaiming
"DaHjaj SuvwI'e'jIH. tlgwIj Sa'angNIS. Iw bIQtIqDaq jIjaH."
("Today I am a Warrior. I must show you my heart. I travel
the river of blood.") The warrior then strides between two
lines of other Klingons, who subject him or her to painstiks
while the warrior is expected to express his or her most
profound feelings while under this extreme duress.
- B'aht Qul challenge
- A traditional Klingon game in which one
contestant holds both arms forward, while the other places his
or her arms between the first, wrists touching. The first
contestant attempts to press the arms together, while the
second attempts to force them apart.
- Borath
- Followers of Kahless awaited his return there. To
Klingons, there is no more sacred place.
- G'now juk Hol pajhard
- Klingon law of heredity. A son shall
share in the honors or crimes of his father.
- Hegh'bat ceremony
- Literally translated as "The Time to Die,"
the Hegh'bat ceremony was a Klingon ritualized suicide.
Klingon tradition held that when a Klingon was unable to stand
and face his enemies, he should chose the Hegh'bat. The rite
called for the eldest son of the celebrant, or a trusted
friend, to deliver a ritual knife to the warrior, who would
then impale himself in the chest. The son of friend would
then remove the knife, and wipe it on his sleeve.
- ja'chug
- An anchient part of the Klingon Rite of Succession, in
which a new leader is chosen for the Klingon High Council.
Now considered obsolete, the ja'chuq was a long, involved
ceremony where canidates for council leadership would list the
battles they had won and prizes they had taken in order to
prove their worthiness to lead the council.
- Jat'yIn
- Klingon term for spiritual possession. It literally
translates as "the taking of the living by the dead,"
- jIH dok
- Klingon for "my blood".
An expression of devotion given to one's mate. The response
is maj dok, meaning "our blood." The exchange seals a
marriage vow.
- jinaq
- Traditional Klingon jeweled amulet, given to a daughter
when she comes of age to take a mate.
- Klingon death ritual
- A ceremony practiced upon the death of a
The eyes of the fallen warrior are pried open, while other
warriors gather around and let loose with a powerful howl
that has been described not as a wail of the dead, but as an
exhaltation of the victorious. Klingon belief holds that the
howl is a warning for the dead to beware because a Klingon
warrior is about to arrive.
- MajQa, Rite of
- Klingon ritual involving deep meditation in the
lava caves of No'Mat.
Prolonged exposure to the heat is believed to induce a
hallucinatory effect. Great significance is attached to any
visions recieved during the MajQa, and relevations of one's
father are believed to be the most important.
- Mek'ba
- In the Klingon system of justice, the portion of a trial
or appeal in which evidence was heard. The Mek'ba has strict
rules for the presence of evidence and for the conduct of both
the accuser and the accused.
- qa'vak
- Traditional Klingon game involving a half-meter hoop and
a spear. The hoop is rolled between various stakes planted
into the ground, and the object is to throw the spear through
the center of the hoop. Upon successfully scoring in this
manner, it is traditional to shout "ka'la'!" The game is
intended to hone skill necessary for the traditional Klingon
- qab jIH nagil
- Klingon ritual challenge used during the Sonchi
ceremony during the Rite of Succession. It translates: "Face
me if you dare."
- Rite of Succession
- Process whereby a new leader is chosen for
the Klingon High Council following the death of the previous
leader. The rite first requires the Sonchi, in which the
previous leader was formally certified to be truly dead.
Next, the Arbiter of Succession was required to select the
challengers for leadership of the council. The two strongest
challengers would then fight for the right to lead the
- R'uustai
- Klingon ceremony in which two individuals bond
together to become brothers or sisters.
The rite itself is resplendent in Klingon custom and involves
the lighting of ceremonial candles and the wearing of
warrior's sashes, concluding with a Klingon intonation
honoring their mothers.
- Sonchi ceremony
- A Klingon ritual; part of the Rite of
Sonchi translates as "he is dead." The Sonchi formally
confirmed the death of a leader before his or her successor
could be chosen, and involved jabbing the body with Klingon
painstiks while issuing a verbal challenge.
- tea ceremony
- Klingon ritual in which two friends share a
poisoned tea served on a tray decorated with simple flowers.
The ceremony is test of bravery, a chance to share with a
friend a look at one's mortality, and a reminder that death is
an experienced best shared - like the tea.
Black Ale, Boiling Worm Wine, chech'tluth, Klingon Cordial, Klingon
Firewine, Warnog
- Bregit Lung
- gagh
- Worm-like creatures, consumed alive.
- Heart of Targ
- k'truyg
- tart
- Pipius Claw
- Roasted Scrag Hunch
- flesh of the killer garbat, marinated in
its own blood and treated with 10 different spices. Poisonous
to humans.
- Rokeg Blood Pie
- Stuffed Tok Bah Legs
- Slimy Tongue Balls
- Wortweed
"Darkness will fall. Enemies will circle us 'round and 'round, their
swords as numerous as the trees of the forest. But we will not yeild. We
will wear faces of fire."
- Kahless
1) Pertains to the quality of determination - in other words, if one's
strength of will is great enough, he can surmount any obstacle.
2) A reference to one's skill at deception. An admonition to remain
circumspect in all one's dealings - particularly with one's enemies, or
potential enemies.
"When one's emporer commands, all other loyalties become secondary.
When one's emporer commands, no sacrifice is too terrible, no price to
- Kahless
"Watch your back. Friends may become enemies in less time than it
takes to draw a dagger."
- Kahless
"It's easier to defend oneself with two hands than with one."
- Kahless
If there are gods, they do not help, and justice belongs to the strong:
but know that all things done before the naked stars are remembered.
Negotiation may cost far less than war, or infinitely more: for war
cannot cost more than one's life.
Only a fool fights in a burning house.
It takes two to make peace, but only one to declare war.
If you want to prosper, remember to honor, honor.
Lightening streaks the sky, The Battle has begun!
If you shine my nose, I will give you your nose.
(Do not try to mislead me, if you value your life.)
My blood is much thicker than yours.
(I am much stronger than you.)
May your blood scream!
May you always find a bloodworm in your glass!
May your co-ordinates be free of tribbles!
May you die in battle!
May you endure the pain!
Klingons forever!
Go mate with your Targ!
Your face looks like a collapsed star!
Your Targ has a bigger brain than all of your ancestors put together!
You belond in a black hole in the netherworld!
You are a total waste of good energy!
* Your mother has a smooth forhead!
NOTE: These are only books that I am aware of,
that have Klingons as a major part of the book.
? = Havn't read yet.
+ = Good book! }:)>
* = Good book/Good Info! }:)>
- = Bad book! }:(>
# = Bad book/Good Info! }:/>
TOS Books:
TNG Books:
Aktuh and Melota
A Klingon Opera. (No words available)
And though the cold brittles the flesh,
The chain of duty cannot be broken,
For the chain is forged in the heart's own fire
Which cold cannot extinguish
Yet if my line should die,
It dies with its teeth in the enemy's throat,
It dies with its name on the enemy's tongue.
For just as mere life is not victory,
Mere death is not defeat;
And in the next world I shall kill the foe a thousand times,
The guns are hot, the hull is ringing,
The engines sing the sound of triumph;
And every one aboard awaits
A prize upon the high horizon.
Hand and weapon! Heart and power!
Cry it with the voice of the Empire!
Victory and prize plunder!
Vengence flies at morning!
And though the cold brittles the flesh,
The chain of duty cannot be broken,
For the chain is forged in the heart's own fire
Which cold cannot extinguish
The old weapons file I used had to be more or less junked. I had taken
the material from a book that I had, and for for some reason, the author
decided that it hurt sales more than it helped, so I was asked to stop
using it. (Even though I have since learned that this authors book
basically copied FASA's material.)
I have taken the different weapons, and wrote descriptions myself,
improving on them with my own general knowledge (taken from novels), and
the help of the Star Trek Encyclopedia.
The Klingon warrior uses a curious mixture of extremely sophisticated
armament, combined with ancient traditional weapons.
- Phase-disrupter energy weapon. Before
the alliance with the Federation, the disruptor weapons were
not equiped with a stub setting. But since treaty
stipulations require it, all disruptor weapons now have a stun
setting, although it is not necessarily set on stun.
- d'k tahg KLINGON KNIFE:
- The favored weapon of most Klingon
officers, it is a dual-bladed weapon, with two spring loaded
blades that can be released by pressing a button in the hilt.
Usually the blades are released once the weapon has been
inserted into flesh, and then twisted, creating more damage to
the opponent. Usually a knife like this will cause immediate
death, but if it doesn't, it requires a medical doctor to cut
it out. The pommel also becomes a deadly weapon, since spikes
usually protrude from it.
- The Agonizer is primarily used for interrogations,
and sometimes used for disciplinary reasons. It is almost
always carried by the commanding officer of a ship or base,
and is usually carried by marines. The Agonizer disrupts
major nerve systems in the body, while neurological
stimulation prevents unconciousness. Settings on the Agonizer
range from mild discomfort, to excrutiating agony.
- Trefoils are an ancient weapon, which originate deep
in Klingon culture. Whether the trefoils inspired the current
symbol of the Klingon Empire, or if said symbol inspired the
trefoils, but the visual relation is obvious.
Warriors learn to use Trefoils as an extension of their
hand. The Trefoil is an excellent parrying weapon, and used
in different configurations, can provide unique forms of
- A large heavy knife with a broad blade, used as a
weapon and for cutting vegatation. The machete is also
used for on-the-spot executions.
- Throwing knives and
assassin's darts are usually small, functional weapons,
designed for maximum velocity, accuracy and penetration. Both
are kept razor sharp, and usually have an inner compartment
filled with poison, which will be excreted upon impact. Some
darts can be fired from launchers, for greater range and
Bladed and edged weapons are part of a Klingon's everyday
life. A Klingon feels vulnerable, even naked, without a
knife. Some Klingons of higher status even choose to carry
swords, among other weapons. These weapons are all hand made,
and they are all symbols of ones status in his family line,
sometimes being centuries old.
- bat'telh:
- The traditional Klingon "sword of honor," resembling
a meter-long two-ended scimitar. The bat'telh is carried
along the inside of the arm and controlled by two handholds
located on the outside edge of the weapon.
- kut'luch:
- A bladed weapon used by Klingon assassins. The
kut'luch has a serated blade and makes a very serious wound.
TNG Encyclopedia Crossreference
This is every reference in the Encyclopedia, that has to do with
-- A --
Age of Ascension /
Aktuh and Melota /
Amar, I.K.C. /
ambassador, Klingon /
Arbiter of Succession /
-- B --
Ba'el /
BaH (fire!) /
B'aht Qul challenge /
baktag (an insult) /
bat'telh (sword of honor) /
Beta XII-A entity /
B'Etor /
B'iJik /
Boreth /
Bortas, I.K.V. /
brak'lul /
bregit lung /
B'rel-class Bird Of Prey /
Burke, Yeoman /
Buruk, I.K.C.
-- C --
Calisthenics program, Klingon /
Camp Khitomer /
cha'DIch /
Carraya System /
chancellor /
Chang, General /
chech'tluth /
cloaking device, Klingon /
Code 1 /
Council of Elders
-- D --
D-7 /
DaH! (Now!) /
discommendation /
disruptor /
Divok /
d'k tahg /
Dream of Fire, The /
-- E --
-- F --
Fek'lhr /
First City
-- G --
gagh /
Ghojmok (term for nursemaid) /
GhoS! (Make it so!) /
Gi'ral /
G'now juk Hol pajhard /
Gre'thor /
Great Hall /
Gorkon, Chancellor /
-- H --
Ha'DIbah (insult - "animal") /
heart of targ /
Hechu'ghos (set course) /
Hegh'bat ceremony (The time to die) /
Hegh'ta /
-- I --
I.K.C. (Imperial Klingon Cruiser) /
Intrepid, U.S.S.
-- J --
ja'chug /
Ja'rod /
Jat'yIn (spiritual possession) /
jatlh (Speak!) /
J'Ddan /
jIH dok ("my blood"; response is - maj dok ("our blood")) /
-- K --
K'adlo (thank you) /
Kahless the Unforgetable /
Kahlest /
Kang /
Kee'Bhor /
K'Ehleyr /
Kell /
Khitomer massacre /
Khitomer /
Klaa, Captain /
Klag /
Kling /
Klingon attack cruiser /
Klingon battle cruiser /
Klingon Bird Of Prey /
Klingon civil war /
Klingon communicator /
Klingon death ritual /
Klingon Defense Force /
Klingon Empire /
Klingon High Council /
Klingon Homeworld /
Klingon Neutral Zone /
Klingon spacecraft /
Klingon weapons /
Klingonese /
Klingons /
K'mpec /
K'nera /
KoH-man-ara /
Koloth, Captain /
Konmel, Lieutenant /
Koord, General /
Kor, Commander /
Korax /
Koroth /
Korris, Captain /
Kras /
K'Ratak /
Kri'stak Volcano /
Krios /
Kriosian system /
Kronos One /
Kronos /
Kruge, Commander /
K'Tal /
K'Temoc /
K't'inga-class battle cruiser /
Kluge /
Kunivas /
Kurak /
Kurn /
kut'luch /
K'Vada, Captain /
K'Vort-class battle cruisers
-- L --
Larg /
Len'mat (adjourned) /
L'Kor /
Lorgh /
love poetry, Klingon /
Lursa /
Lusor /
-- M --
Maht-H'a, I.K.C. /
MajQa, Rite of. /
Maktag /
Maltz /
Mara /
May you die well /
Mek'ba /
mev yap (stop) /
Mogh /
Mok'bara /
Molor /
Morag /
-- N --
naDev ghos! (Come here!) /
nIb'poH (similar to deja vu) /
Night Blooming Throgni /
No'Mat /
-- O --
Oath, Klingon /
Officer Exchange Program /
Operation Retrieve /
Organia /
Organians /
Organia Peace Treaty
-- P --
Pagh, I.K.C. /
pahtk (an insult) /
painstik, Klingon /
phase disruptor /
Picard, Jean Luc/...and the Klingon Empire /
pipius claw /
P'Rang, I.K.C. /
-- Q --
qa'vak /
qab jIH nagil /
Qapla' (Success) /
Qo'noS /
Qa'Vat /
Qui'Tu /
-- R --
Regulan blood worms /
Rite of Succession, Klingon /
rokeg blood pie /
rop'ngor /
Rozhenko, Alexander /
-- S --
Samno, Yeoman /
Sark, Kingon (similar to a horse) /
seloh (term for sex) /
Sherman's Planet /
So'wI'chu' ("engage" or "activate") /
Sonchi ceremony ("he is dead") /
Starbase 24 /
Sto-Vo-Kor /
Story of the Promise, The
-- T --
T'Acog, I.K.C. /
tai chi /
targ /
tea ceremony, Klingon /
Tel'Peh /
TlhIngan jIH (I am a Klingon) /
Toh'Kaht, I.K.C. /
tohzah (Klingon expletive) /
Tokath /
T'Ong, I.K.C. /
Toq /
Torak, Governor /
Toral /
Treaty of Alliance
-- U --
undiscovered country, the
-- V --
Vagh /
Vek'tal response /
Vekma /
Veridum Six /
Vor'cha-class attack cruiser /
Vorch-doh-baghk, Kahless! (All hail Kahless!) /
Vorn, I.K.C.
-- W --
Warnog /
Worf, Colonel /
Worf /
-- X --
-- Y --
yIntagh (Klingon expletive)
-- Z --
zark (similar to a horse)